You Are Not Alone…All Aboard!

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Do you believe that greater things are ahead?

I have news for YOU! As long as you are alive and breathing…You are not done yet! Greater things are still ahead. You may feel scared, but you are not alone.

Fear comes from change. We’ve all had to give up something at one time or another. At first, it always feels like a huge sacrifice to give up what we’ve got. To Jesus, though, it’s no sacrifice at all. Think about it from His perspective. He comes from heaven, where He has an amazing love relationship with the Father, which by nature, is the most beautiful existence any person could have. And He offers that to anyone willing to let go of whatever is giving them a false sense of security.

All aboard! Come and trade up! Jesus is basically saying, “Look, none of the stuff you have is going to last, including you. You’ve only got a dime’s worth of life now. Come and trade up, come follow Me, and you can know God.” Jesus isn’t requesting a sacrifice at all. He is simply asking us to get on board and play BIGGER and BETTER.

The real game of BIGGER and BETTER that Jesus is playing with us isn’t about money or possessions or even our hopes. It’s about our pride. He asks if we will give up that thing we’re so proud of, that we believe causes us to matter in the eyes of the world, and give it up to follow Him. He’s asking us, “Will you take what you think defines you, leave it behind, and let Me define you instead?”

Religious people say that Jesus stands at the door and knocks. I believe there is more! Jesus invites us to get on the train. Come home to His house and do some knocking too. And when He opens a door, He wants us to bring all of the faith we have to Him, even if it’s a dime’s worth. And He promises that He will trade up with us-because He Himself is what we have the chance to trade for. What we will have to give in exchange for knowing Him is everything we have accumulated during our lives and are standing on the porch holding on to.

You are not alone…All aboard!

Your best life awaits. Get on the train and trade UP! BIGGER and BETTER is waiting for YOU! 👏👏♥️🙏 🚂 🚊 🚞 ♥️

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