What does FEAR do to our faith?

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Let’s go back to my study of the Hebrew definition of Humility. In the book “Hebrew Word Pictures: How Does the Hebrew Alphabet Reveal Prophetic Truths,” it defines humility as the “tearing down of walls.”

Then the definition of humility points us to: 

Safety of the heart is something we all desire! 

As I anxiously flipped to the word trust/safe, I found the Hebrew definition of trust to read “inside the walls.”  

If being humble requires us to tear down our walls AND inside of those walls is where we find our hearts will feel SAFE…and…safety of the heart is what we all want…then what keeps us from being humble with God and truly vulnerable? 

This question led to many talks between God and I. I’m pretty sure I keep Him quite busy. 🤦🏻‍♀️😊

Weeks later, I was listening to a sermon from Union Point Church in New Bern about “Vindication.” 

My disclaimer is that this is MY interpretation of a sermon that spoke right to my heart, and I believe it was an answer from God. 

Listen to the sermon! 

(I don’t attend this church, but I faithfully listen to the sermons on the app. They often speak right to my heart! ♥️)

In the sermon, Pastor Curtis talked about humility. The whole discussion between God and I came full circle in ONE sermon. 

Humility with God requires us to be vulnerable and to step completely into Him. It’s not trusting Him with certain parts of our life. Wow! I’ve got work to do!!! 

It’s 100% trust in Him! 

What keeps us from being humble with God? 


I believe that FEAR is a major roadblock for many of us. Pastor Curtis asked, “What is the motivating factor behind our decisions and the way we choose to live our lives?” 

Most of us are driven by fear.

Fear of failing. Fear of being hurt. Fear of what others think. Fear of standing up for what we believe. Fear of dying. Fear of being alone. Fear of sickness. Fear of loss. Fear of a broken heart. Fear of being without. Fear of missing out. Fear of being different. 


Sometimes fear creeps in like a shadow chilling and cold. Other times it lunges in like a lion, seeking to shred and tear with certain ferocity. 

Any decision based out of fear is NEVER the right decision. 

“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust: I shall not be afraid.” Psalm 56:3 ESV

In the book of Psalms, David dealt with fear, yet his faith in God did not waver. 

How do we combat fear? 


It doesn’t mean we erase our fears; it means we turn them over to THE ONE that is bigger than ALL of our stinkin’ fears! 

Humility with God is what allows us to walk in His will. 

The holes of sadness, turmoil, anxiety, and loneliness are filled with peace, patience, understanding, and joy when we walk HUMBLY with God. 

I have failed miserably at this over and over. My road has been like a curvy mountainous drive in the Colorado Rockies. 

Yet as I lean into Him, I’m finding that the JOY of living from the inside out does not depend on my circumstances or social status. Joy comes from God. It’s everlasting, and it makes me hunger for more of His word. True joy is never ending! 

What do YOUR fears say about your faith? 

Today I pray that we all have FAITH over fear! That we trust Him enough to walk completely in His will. He deserves 100% of us! ♥️🙏

Please share.


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